Flight Data Analysis Suite
Lumina is our flight data analysis suite's latest evolution, integration,
and rebranding. It is based on AIRINC's FAS/FASTER/FASET software and
Flightscape/Plane Sciences' Insight software.
This long history and diverse user base directly driving requirements have
enabled us to develop a world-class state-of-the-art system to meet all your
flight data analysis need regardless of who you are and what you need to do.
Product Rebranding/Mapping
All supported customers will be migrated to the lumina product line per the
mapping below. Contact us for details specific to your migration

SME Days
Subject-Matter-Expert (SME) DaysWe uniquely offer Subject-Matter-Expert (SME) Days to augment your capabilities. We have 'flight-data' experienced technical pilots, aerospace engineers, and fuel/efficiency/performance engineers, all at your disposal on an as-needed basis.
About SME DaysFlight Recorder Labs
Custom State-of-the-Art SolutionsOur 20+ years at TSB/C allow us to leverage our direct experience on dozens of major international accident investigations and. We are pioneers in recovering data from severely crash-damaged recorders dating back to the mid-'80s. Memory Access Retrieval System (MARS) has been uniquely developed to read data at the memory board/chip level offering the best opportunity for full data recovery in the most extreme of cases.
About Flight Recorder LabsReplay/Investigation Services
FDR/CVR ReplayNeed an FDR or CVR readout to support an investigation or legal proceeding? Need flight data analyzed, animated or a CVR audio analysis? Our experienced SME's can assist as little or as much as you wish. We work quietly in the background helping increase your capacity and capability when you need it most.
Contact Us for More Information