Flight Data Analysis Suite
Lumina is our flight data analysis suite's latest evolution, integration,
and rebranding. It is based on AIRINC's FAS/FASTER/FASET software and
Flightscape/Plane Sciences' Insight software.
This long history and diverse user base directly driving requirements have
enabled us to develop a world-class state-of-the-art system to meet all your
flight data analysis need regardless of who you are and what you need to do.
Product Rebranding/Mapping
All supported customers will be migrated to the lumina product line per the
mapping below. Contact us for details specific to your migration

SME Days
Subject-Matter-Expert (SME) DaysWe uniquely offer Subject-Matter-Expert (SME) Days to augment your capabilities. We have 'flight-data' experienced technical pilots, aerospace engineers, and fuel/efficiency/performance engineers, all at your disposal on an as-needed basis.
About SME DaysC-CAST
Canadian Commercial Aviation Safety TeamCanada has been a world leader in flight data analysis since the mid-'80s. Long-time advocates that when it comes to safety, collaboration among airlines is imperative. While not a new concept, collaboration remains elusive due to many factors. APS has been a National Research Council of Canada's Industry Research & Assistance Program (NRC IRAP) client since July 2018. In July 2020, NRC IRAP, in response to interest from airline associations in Canada, decided to provide R&D subsidies to develop a national flight data warehouse for Canadian operators. Airlines operating in collaboration with each other or that have common ownership/oversight could form a Collaborative Aviation Safety Exchange System (CASES) Group. The launch CASES Group is C-CAST, which was formed as a direct result of the NRC IRAP R&D project.
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