FDR/CVR/DLR Readouts

All work is performed under a Transport Canada (TC) Approved Maintenance Organization (AMO) 42-13 Certification

AMO is accepted by the FAA, UK CAA & EASA

Services include:
  • FDR Correlation Check

  • CVR Operational & Intelligibility analysis and CPDLC Datalink

  • Underwater Locator Beacon testing and recertification (with battery/beacon replacement if required)

  • CVR Spectral Analysis

  • Data can be provided in engineering units (excel)

  • Physical units next-day shipping

  • Reports completed within 5 business days (AOG 24-48 hrs)

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AMO Readout Locations

Europe Office
Our experienced and dedicated team from our European office will ensure that operators from the CET time zone receive high-quality service on time. If the CET time zone suits you best, contact us through our contact page.